Sunday, August 08, 2004

New Church

After doing a lot of shopping around I've finally found a church that seems to fit perfect. Today was my second day and already I feel like I'm with my family. Even though I don't know anyone well, people go out of their way to make me feel welcome and apart of things. I found its easy to find a church that shares my beliefs but its hard to find one with people who go out of their way to make a stranger welcome. I find myself spending 5 hours there with out even noticing the time gone by. I know that would freak most people out, me too not so long ago yet I'm feeling very content. Wednesday they have a bible study on family, which is just what I've needed so I'm really looking forward to going. I love it when I get that feeling of something being tailor made by him, just for me.


Frankly Frankie said...

This was so long ago...I am slowly reading all your little blogs over the years. I am so happy you found the church of Christ and worship there with your family. You are one of the bright shiny faces I want to see in heaven! I love you :)

MrsM said...

So funny to come back and read this post, haha thanks for the reminder Frankie. Good memories.

I look forward to seeing you up there too! Love you lady!