Today myself and other members of a Christian forum I am a member of had the most encouraging reminder from another faithful woman who prays for her family. I'll skip quoting the private details of her story and the wonderful reports of answered prayer she gave and just leave you the stuff the struck me the most...
I can't emphasize enough how *important*, ESSENTIAL, it is to be IN prayer daily for & over your family & your husband!!!The bold emphasis above in her quote is mine, those words just penetrated me! What a blessing to have such an encouraging reminder.
YOU are HIS wife--it is your duty, responsibility & privilege to cover him in prayer like NO OTHER woman can do!
DO NOT neglect the diligent prayer over your children & husband. AS WELL AS, seeking God first in all things, *especially* moments of crisis.
He is a God of harmony, reconciliation, endurance and encouragement. Be sure of it.
She also left us with these 4 helpful pieces, I hope you can find as much encouragement as I did:
- 31 Days of Praying for Your Husband
- Praying Daily For Your Husband
- 31 Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Children
- Prayer Calendar for Moms (Same as above but in calendar form.)
Awesome reminder! Dana