Thursday, August 05, 2010

Liard to Fort Nelson

Day 4 of our road trip (8/4/10). We woke up at 7:30 am in the morning stiff and uncomfortable from sleeping in the burb, we stumbled out of the truck and into the lodge for a great breakfast and then headed directly over to the hot springs across the streets. I couldn't have picked a better morning to do that! It was like taking a long hot bath in the most crystal clear spring - I didn't even notice a smell of sulfur! The boys and I spent about 30 minutes getting all wrinkly in the water and had a great time visiting with all sorts of friendly people before we got back on the road.

The neat thing I kept noticing on the road was all the dry river beds so deeply trenched.

I can only guess they're from the spring melt of snow off the mountains, either way they were really neat to see.

During the boys nap we went by Muncho Lake which was beautiful. It was crystal clear as far out as you could see and even had a tropical glow to it. I was feeling bad for Pete as he had been cooped up in his kennel with no hotel room to stretch out in the night before so I stopped and threw him a stick for almost an hour! He was sooooo happy. He just wanted to keep swimming and fetching but I had to call in quits when I saw he was so wore out he was wobbling on the beach! lol Even though he is always so obsessive about getting his food first thing in the morning and having a drink, this particular morning he didn't want anything to do with food and water, he just wanted to keep swimming.. Bless his little heart.

Lastly, just before Fort Nelson we came across the cherry on top of the cake.... errr the mountain goats I mean. I spotted them crossing the road and was able to pull over and get some shots in.

We are now in Fort Nelson (on day 5) and planning to leave tomorrow morning for Dawson Creek, BC. I have really loved Fort Nelson. We'll have stayed 2 nights in the Super 8 with a swimming pool and water slide which we have taken full advantage of. In addition to that we were also able to hang out for the afternoon yesterday at a little mini water park/playground and soak up the sun. Big J, just loved all the fun. Little J just sat next to me and ate, it was just to intimidating for him to venture out into.

Hopefully I'll be able to post another update from a nice hotel tomorrow night. Sweet dreams!


  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Wow, you are sure seeing some great sites along the way. Makes me want to take off down the highway. I looked at your whole Flicker photostream too, and you've got some terrific shots around the state. Very cool. Hope you guys continue to have good weather and enjoy the trip.

  2. Sounds like you guys are having a good trip.

  3. Thanks Ladies, sorry it took so long for me to see your comments - I had my notifications sent to my old email address! Time to go fix that.
