Saturday, September 29, 2007

What stage are you?

We went to a marriage seminar last week. The Anchorage Church of Christ had 2 guest speakers that led the seminar. A really good team, who happened to be husband and wife.

Things are great with Marty and I, but I figured there's always room for improvement - mainly where I'm concerned. In case your wondering why we went.

I learned a lot, now the trick is putting what I learned into practice. And with my stubborn will, it'll only happen by the grace of GOD. Thankfully God likes to lend a hand in areas like these.

Anyway, this chart below was something that was touched on during the weekend. I love it and had to share it. I know you married people out there can appreciate it.

His point was that every marriage goes through these stages. He pointed out that divorce only happens in stage 2, so a struggling couple just has to focus on getting through to stage three.

This was not the "solve-all" to a good marriage but again, just a small thing he showed that I thought was neat. And very true.

Oh, by the way...

No fighting with your spouse about which stage your in.


  1. stage 3 here...most days anyway!

  2. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Hi Kiana, What a great post. I love it, it makes total sense and I'm glad that you enjoyed the seminar. Sounds interesting! Hope all is well outside of this :-) BTW, I am not ready for the snow either. But no choice there huh? LOL.

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    haha funny... "no fighting with your spouse!" !!!!!!!!

    lots of love, Bonnie

  4. Hey, I'm Rebecca, Beth's sister in Fairbanks... I just bounced over here from Valette's site. Loved this. I'll probably share it with my husband tonight. We definitely went through stage 2 our second and third year. Hope we don't have to go back there! :)
    Thanks for sharing.
