Friday, June 15, 2007

Ice Road Truckers

Just saw this article in the Anchorage Daily News this morning, sounded pretty appealing...

Ice road truckers: Tougher than crab fishermen? You can practically hear the pitch: “Hey, people loved ‘The Deadliest Catch.’ What other dangerous, scary, freezing jobs can we point a camera at?’”

The Canadian Press reports that the History Channel will debut a 10-part series Sunday called “Ice Road Truckers.” The action takes place in Canada.

Look for the shot of a sinking 18-wheeler. Is it staged?

Says producer Dawn Fitzgerald: “Not everybody's fit for the Iditarod, but they can envision themselves behind the wheel of a truck. … It's this blue-collar job that takes people out there and really pushes the limits of the average guy.”


  1. The Iditarod is cruel to dogs. For the facts, visit the Sled Dog Action Coalition website,

    You'll read how the dogs do all the work and suffer greatly while mushers sit and sometimes sleep while racing their dogs into the ground

  2. Just to set the record strait, that was a quote somebody from the paper made that just went with the ice truckers story.

    I'm not really a fan of the iditarod either though.

  3. When Hubs worked for ERA aviation he drove a fuel truck from Nevada up through the Yukon and over to an airport on the Kenai Pennisula - Sheesh, the stories he told...honey, I'll take our winter roads over your winter roads any day!

  4. I don't think it will be as popular as Deadliest Catch. Did you watch the final DC show tonight?

  5. Grrrr, no.

    We don't have cable. I'm such a TV addict I haven't let myself succumb to cable. I keep telling myself maybe when winter comes we'll get cable but I've said that a few years in a row now.

    But Marty records the show when he's on the slope and brings them home for me. Such a great husband he is.
