Friday, April 14, 2006

School Dayz

We had parent/teacher conferences today. Blakes teacher had his class and school pictures waiting for us. I wish I had a scanner so I could share with everyone - he looks sharp in his picture.

Blake sat in the hall and read his book while we met. His teacher had a good report for him. He is doing well in all his classes and getting along great with his classmates, which was so good to hear. In the middle of it all she stopped to tell me how much he enjoyed church. Ha, That was the last thing I expected to hear about from his public school teacher. She said she constantly hears him telling the other kids about church, how much he loves going, and all the fun he has there. That made me so happy to hear.

Anyway she gave us a few things to work on at home but other than that she had only the best things to say about him. So I took him out for a pizza dinner tonight.

I'm pretty happy to get that out of the way. When I switched schools at his age, I had a hard time with grades and such. The different schools were studying completely different material and it took me so long to get back on top of things. I'm really happy Blake made the transition as well as he has.


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Good job Kiana, I guess I should say way to go Blake! It's always nice to go to school and have a good report. Keep up the good work and Happy Easter.

  2. Great news. You guys are doing a wonderful job.

  3. Blake sounds like a "get'er done" kinda guy. Much respect for his motivation. Happy Easter!

  4. good job Blake......I have dreaded and love parent teacher conferences depending on what child I was dealing with...the one thing I always made sure of was that the child was in the room when we discussed him or her. I feel that they have the right to know what is being said about them. This also gives them the immpression that all are on the same page in the way things are ran... If I did not agree with a teacher I did not bring it up then but made another appointment to discuss the situation later in the week in private. I feel this has given my children the knowledge that "yes I do communicate with their teachers" they are on their best behavior this way as they know I am not afraid to discuss these issues infront of their teachers....but not their peers.
