Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sledding today

We went sledding today up at Hatcher Pass. Sarah and her kids came and another group from church. This is Blake with Sarah's kids, the other 2 kids were a tad late and didn't make it for the group photo. Notice all the clothing on here before we started, by the end of the day much of it was shed from getting so hot. What fun we all had! The weather was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and it was warm. Although it was windy when we left town, for some odd reason there was not much wind at all up on the mountain... I'm thanking God for that one because no wind on a mountain while there's winds ripping thru town leaves no other explanation in my book.

Sarah, I had so much fun! Thank you so much for going with us today, I can't wait till we can all do that again.

Catchin air!

More photos I took today on my flickr account.


  1. nice picture of "flight" - tough timing.

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Loved all the pictures, where is Aunt Kiana in the pictures. You need to get a few with you and Blake. It looks like you guys had a great time. Always looking forward to you photo's.


  3. Looks like i missed a good time. We'll have to go again after i get home.
