Thursday, March 09, 2006


Blake came home today soooo excited. His science project did well enough he was invited to enter it in the state science fair in Anchorage this weekend. The 3rd graders weren't required to do science projects but were encouraged to do so. There ended up being 6 science projects done in his class (one of them done by 2 students), he was the only one that was invited to go. I am soo excited for him. The lame part is that we will have to drive into Anchorage Friday (tomorrow), Saturday, & Sunday if we want to participate. I cringe at the gas money for that but think it will be worth it in the end. Even if he doesn't win anything he still gets a t-shirt for entering and a great shot of self-confidence.


  1. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Great job Blake, I'm so proud of you for working so hard on you Project. It will be fun for you and Kiana to go into Anchorage and see the other Projects the kids have done. Can't wait to hear about your trip in Anchorage.

    Grandma Christopher

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    We are sooooo proud of you Blake!! All of your hard work paid off in the end. Have fun this weekend and be sure to thank Aunt Kiana and Uncle Marty!!

  3. What an honor, congrats.

  4. Wow!! Good Job kido...enjoy the science fair, maybe you will find ideas for next year.

  5. THat is so cool!

    Maybe you could stay over night in Anchorage Sat Nite to ease the driving somewhat.

  6. How's the show moving along? Sounds to me that Blake's favorite aunt might be written in stone. Either way, there is definitely talent in the family.
