Thursday, July 22, 2004

Unexpected Gift from God

Since we are insurance again shopping we're gonna have to pay a hefty down payment to start with a new insurance company. Read my last post to find out why we suddenly have to change companies due to our current companies huge mistake, lol. So with the washer breaking down and me needing to get some new office clothes that fit, ug. All that added to visitors and all the events of this summer, money is tight. In order to afford the down payment for the insurance switch Marty got a $500 advance on his paycheck yesterday. Really though, this is not such an ideal plan, it will cut into his next check and we can't afford to be short $500. We just don't have room to budge right now.

We were both really worried, we haven't been this tight in years. Marty said something along the lines of "I'm not sure how we're gonna make things work" referring to the bills and a shortage of $500 in the coming paycheck. He was really worried. As the stress overwhelmingly welled up in my chest a flash of thought struck me, I said "Well, there is nothing we could possibly do about getting extra money now, I don't think we can do anything but pray." I told him if God had in mind for us to go through some hard times, we'll just have to trust him. We prayed over it and both decided to not worry another moment about it, it was in Gods hands and he'd always be there to take care of us. When we got off the phone Marty went on to start his work on the night shift and I had taken all my worry, trust, and faith and laid it in Gods hands. I think it was somewhere around 11:30 and Midnight.

This morning I received an email from Marty...
"So it took a while to figure out how to come up with $500. You wouldn’t believe what happened to me when I got to work. The company has a drawing once a quarter and every one in the company that hasn’t had any vehicle accidents or any first aid’s is eligible. My name was drawn and I won $500!! It was just a shock because I didn’t even know anything about this drawing before today"
So now there is something to cover the advance. What an unexpected gift! I don’t believe in coincidences and I really feel God's hand at our back, working it all out. God is AMAZING!

Edited to Add:

I just read this post today and had to come back (over 7 years later) and add a bit that makes this story even more Amazing.

In my excitement I forgot to add that Marty later found out this was in fact the FIRST of many drawings the company had planned to start in an effort to fuel excitement for safety. As mentioned the plan was there was to be a new drawing each quarter. What I had no way of knowing all those years ago is that there would NEVER be another drawing again.

It's now over 7 years later and Marty still works in the same building doing the same work - well he's a supervisor now but he's overseeing the same job he was working all those 7 years ago. The company was taken over by a new company a few years after this post, and again a few years ago but there has never been another drawing held by any of the 3 companies

I always knew God had moved a mountain for us that day.

This is one of those moments I love to remember.

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